Virtual reality technology questions the usual ways of interpreting the biological and social body. Cyberspace, involving an increasing number of people, supposes a multi-level existence in digital, urban and natural environments.
The name of the project «corpoirreality« is an oxymoron formed at the junction of two English words: «corporeality«, which contains two Latin roots «corpus« — body and «realis« — material, as well as «irreal« translated as «surreal« and «unreal«. Together, they literally denote bodily irreality.
In the project, bodies are considered as agents that simultaneously form, consume and actualize space by moving in it. On the one hand, technologies help the bodies to play these roles, but on the other hand, they expose the limitations of the bodily reality, shackled by virtual or physical boundaries.
The VR project consists of several spaces created using 3D scanning technology that captures physical artifacts inside the virtual world. Each of the presented topoi has a different socio-cultural context and bears traces of the presence of the physical body of the artist. Supplemented with virtual objects — three-dimensional representations of movement, excerpts from texts and videos — scanned places acquire new semantic dimensions. Collected together, they open space for a journey through the philosophical concepts of the immaterial/unreal body, the layers of physical and virtual reality, and also represent the speculative search for freedom beyond the technological framework and concrete walls.
Для уровня «Мастер» нужно предоставить описание концепции проекта на английском языке объемом 350-700 слов и прототип. Про прототип речь пойдет в задании третьей недели, а сейчас предлагаем ознакомиться с хорошим примером концепции проекта - работой выпускницы магистерской программы 2022 года Надежды Бей, автора модуля по VR- и AR- технологиям.